Monday, July 28, 2014

My Perspective into a Human Life and It's Meaning

We human beings, being the most intelligent and powerful beings alive on earth, still face many difficulties and confusion in life. Especially in this challenging life, people are used with modern technology and industrialization. People runs after money and wealth and tends to forget the meaning of their lives. According to my perspective, wealth and property are meant to be used for our conveniences. But, money and properties are using us instead.
I think that, the basic aim of human life is happiness. Still happiness differs people to people. Yet, we must know wisely how to live satisfied life. When we life with satisfaction, automatically, we tend to be more happier and contented. Most of the people have dreams to live a happy life in the future. Thinking and dreaming of the future, they forget to be happy at present time. Few realize that, they may die today or tomorrow. As life is uncertain, we must be happier at the right here and right now.

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