Thursday, August 16, 2012

Islam will dominate the World

Fatwa on Dalai Lama

"Lumbini (AsiaNews) – Nepal’s three million Buddhists are alarmed over death threats made against the Dalai Lama, allegedly by Islamic extremist group Lashkar-e-Toiba. In Lumbini, Buddha’s birth place in southern Nepal, monks and lay people are praying for him.

A local monk, Bhante Jaydeo, told AsiaNews that the Dalai Lama “is an apostle of non violence and peace. In spite of being a victim of Chinese Communist violence he has never preached for a violent uprising in Tibet and has always called for reconciliation” with Beijing. “Here in town monks and the faithful have prepared special prayers for his safety.”

When an Indian paper reported the threat on April 1, police in Dharamsala (India) where the Dalai Lama lives in exile stepped up security arrangements.

Lashkar-e-Toiba is based in Pakistani-held Kashmir and is among the most powerful Islamic terrorist groups in South Asia. It is thought to be tied to al-Qaeda and it has been held responsible for many attacks in India.

For experts, the threat made against the Buddhist leader is probably connected to a recent statement attributed to Osama bin Laden against all religions other than Islam, including “pagan Buddhism.”

The Dalai Lama’s secretary Tanzin Tekla has refused any comment."

The Buddha Meets Holger Danske

" Almost all the harm inflicted upon Buddhism throughout history has been caused by Islam, says Ole Nydahl. He finds it embarrassing that Buddhists never defended themselves. Muslim extremists now threaten Buddhists with renewed violence.

"...According to a report dated April 4th. 2007 from the internet portal Asia News the Islamic extremist group Lashkar-e-Toiba, located in the Pakistan-dominated part of Kashmir, issued threats against expatriate leader of Tibetan Buddhism, the Dalai Lama. Lashkar-e-Toiba is among the most powerful Islamic groups in Southeast Asia. It has been connected with several deadly onslaughts throughout India and is allegedly connected to Al-Qaeda.

The threats against the Dalai Lama were surprising because the prominent Buddhist leader on several occasions praised Islam as being a peaceful religion.

The Dharamsala Police in Northern India, where the Dalai Lama lives, take the threats seriously and have enhanced their security precautions.

Those threats are in accordance with the anti-Buddhist campaign mentioned by Osama bin Laden in his speech on the Arabic TV network Al-Jazeera on April 23, 2006. Besides the usual threats against “crusaders”, countries supporting Denmark in its conflict over the Mohammed cartoons, the United Nations, etc., his message contained a specific reference to Buddhists. It was delivered when he spoke about the UN Security Council which Osama bin Laden accused of excluding Islamic nations all the while granting the rights of veto to “Crusaders of the world and Buddhist pagans.”

islam-watch.orgBuddhists Attacked First In Myanmar

According to a report by the independent Arakanese news agency Narinjara, in the Muslims-dominated township of Rambree in Arakan State in Myanmar (Burma), a gang of Muslims robbed a Buddhist girl, ganged-raped her and murdered her in grisly manner (rape, sexual mutilation then death).

She was intercepted while returning home from work on the evening of 28 May 2012. She was killed by slitting her throat. Her dead-body also showed several stabbing wounds on the chest, as well as wounds and cuts on the vaginal and pubic regions.

After news of the grisly rape and murder spread, nearly 1000 angry protesters from nearby villages marched to the police station on 29 May, demanding police action against the barbaric murderers. Three Muslim culprits were arrested on the same night.

A Burmese source tells us that angered by arrest of the Muslim culprits, Bengali Muslims started riots on 8th June 2012 in Moung Daw Township in Arakan State, which borders the line between Bangladesh and Myanmar. According to the source, the riot was continuing at the time of reporting at about 9pm Myanmar Time on 8th June.

Muslims started the riots after the Friday Ju'ma (congregation) prayers, which is a common occasion for Muslims to launch violent Jihadi actions and protests all over the world.

"Bengali Muslims killed at least 10 Arakanese Buddhists and burnt down over 20 Arakanese Buddhist Villages in Moung Daw Town," wrote the source.

"Muslims burnt down Buddhist Monastery and school," the source added.

Another news-report by The Irrawaddy that covers Burma and South Asia claimed of three deaths that included a doctor and his wife, and 14 burnt-down villages. Police exchanged fired with armed Muslim rioters on Friday afternoon.

"Fourteen villages in Maungdaw and Buthidaung townships were torched by rioters while authorities struggled to maintain control," according to Facebook page of a President Office official.

"The security forces have been trying to protect the 14 villages which (were) burned," it added.

Five primary schools and a number of Arakanese-owned buildings were burned down by rioters, reported The Voice Weekly journal, warranting deployment of Burmese troops in the area. There were rumours of martial law being imposed.

In Moung Daw Town, inhabited by 20,000 native Buddhists, has been flooded by 400,000 illegal Bengali Muslims settlers.

Every year, Bengali Muslims engage in riots and kill Buddhists in dozens not only inside Burma but also in tribal areas in Bangladesh. Violence against ethnic Arakanese Buddhist people, living in Bangladesh, and murdered of them by Bangladeshi Muslims can be read at the following links:

The native Buddhist people in the Arakanese state in Myanmar have been under distress in the face of massive Muslim infiltration and Islamization, which can be read here:

Islam will Dominate - The Islamic Threat to BuddhismIslam will dominate!

seanrobsville.blogspot.comFrom Islam's War Against Buddhism:

"I feel, through my direct experiences of it, that Islam has not changed its ways in the least. In fact it has become more aggressive now than at any time since its period of greatest expansion in the 900s to the 1200s.

“Modern” Islam seeks to return humanity to those very same times – a revival of the dark ages of Islamic slaughter, mayhem, and pillage – all in the name of Allah.

We Buddhists must realize that we, and our cherished practices, would be swept away entirely and crushed utterly, should Islam ever gain ascendancy in this world in which we live. Islam is the only belief that propagates itself thus – by the sword.And it is very patient."

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