Monday, August 6, 2012

Meditation in daily life: Contemplation on death - Part III

If one wishes to generate happiness to the world, he must generate happiness for himself. One whose mind is induced with emotion has neither attachment nor conflict. His mind gets quenched gradually. Then he starts doing benefit for himself. In the mind of such a person friendliness, kindness, sympathetic joy and equanimity arise. Such a person is like a cowherd.
Just as the cowherd looks after the cow with affection that person helps the world in the same manner. Or he protects, looks after them. Nourishes. The world then gets comfort. Gets benefit. Therefore become people who help the world like cowherds.
A real help exists there. To be like that we must help ourselves. How do we help ourselves? By inducing religious emotion in our mind. One whose mind gets induced with religious emotion helps himself. Such a person does not like to live in torment.
A person in torment is like an individual who has swallowed some iron. How difficult is it when one swallows iron? It cannot be vomited out. It cannot go with excreta. Does not get digested. Very tiresome. Very painful.
But there is friendliness, kindness, sympathetic joy and equanimity in a person whose mind has become induced with religious emotion. The nature of doing tit for tat leaves him. Rigidity leaves him. The characteristic of seeing the good of others develops in him. He gets inclined to help others. One thing that helps to transform one's mind to that form is practicing Marana Sati. Practise doing it now itself. It will be difficult later. It has to be done from the beginning. It has to be done without interruption from the start. It must be done extensively. Then we will have a comfortable life. We can become people who help the world. We will not be selfish. We think of the comfort of others and help. Even if he is sick he renders help. He becomes a person who helps the world.
Religious emotion
We must mould our life in that fashion. For that to happen the mind must become induced with emotion. It is easy to help the world with a mind that is induced with religious emotion. The most powerful Dhamma that helps to mould the mind to that form is the Marana Sati. Therefore we wish that everyone will practise Marana Sati well and strongly and try to induce their minds with emotion. We also bless all of you to form a mind capable of realizing the real nature of the life. May that fortune dawn on you.
We told you earlier that we are living in an era in which wisdom is diminishing. We will tell you some more about it. If the wisdom is strong it causes the eradication of sin. That is clear to us. If the wisdom is strong there is the possibility of quickly eradicating Raga, Dosa and Moha. As wisdom becomes weak the ability to eradicate Raga, Dosa and Moha becomes weakened. So are we not in an age in which wisdom is deteriorating? Does Indriya Dhamma get established strongly when wisdom is weak? Strong Indriya Dhamma will not get established. Indriya Dhammas are weak in this age. Why? Indriya are the things that become strengths. All five Indriyas become the five strengths. They help us to get rid of sins.
The sin becomes strong gradually. That is why we travel in Sansara. When the world deteriorates sins become strong. Raga, Dosa and Moha are strong. That is why people destroy each other. Isn't a time coming when people slaughter each other? Raga, Dosa and Moha are so powerful. With the passage of time Raga, Dosa and Moha become strong. The merit side is not strong why? Because wisdom is getting weakened.
Careful thinking
Therefore you must think carefully. In order to get the maximum benefit from what you have you must establish mindfulness well, become obedient and develop the quenching nature in your mind. Think of inducing religious emotion in your mind. Then you will have protection. If you succeed in inducing emotion in your mind there will be protection for you. Why? Because the nature of attachment and conflicting gets reduced. Becomes weakened. The sin develops through the nature of attaching and conflicting.
In the mind in which religious emotion gets induced the chances of the formation of sin is slim. Why? Along with the induction of sin it is possible to establish the mind in Satipatthana. Marana Sati is a powerful help to induce religious emotion in the mind. It is possible for the mind to get accustomed to Satipatthana in such a situation. Otherwise the mind tends towards sin. It gets attached and conflicts under such circumstances. Even if we develop a Samadhi the moment a small sin comes up it becomes impossible to get rid of that sin with the available merit. Why? Sins are very powerful. In a deteriorating world it is possible for a small sin to destroy the meritorious thoughts. If one becomes a victim in that manner an entire society gets destroyed.
Therefore if we think carefully, develop sympathy towards the world and practise meditations like Marana Sati specially, it is possible to remain with religious emotion induced in the mind. Under such circumstances there is security. There is benefit to oneself and to the world. Therefore practise Marana Sati well. Then you will be able to get the maximum benefit from the wisdom you have because emotion gets induced in the mind.
If the mind is agitated, if it is not calm, wisdom becomes weak. When there is religious emotion in the mind there is no agitation. It does not get disturbed. Not attached or conflicted. That is why emotion has been induced. Under such circumstances it is impossible to cover wisdom. There is an opportunity for wisdom to emerge. Therefore Marana Sati is an extremely powerful meditation. Extremely helpful. Many are the benefits. Under such circumstances endeavor is generated. Wherever there is endeavor there is a good strength for eradicating sin. Therefore from this moment onwards practise Marana Sati strongly. Practise it continuously. Practise it extensively. Establish mindfulness.
(Compiled with instructions given by Ven Nawalapitiye Ariyawansa Thera)
Lanka Daily News Dr Padmaka SILVA

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