Friday, August 17, 2012

Shias vs Sunni (Islam) / Theravada vs Mahayana (Buddhism)

I don't know, Pakistan though predominantly Islamic country; being practicing a religion of peace (Islam) why fighting, bombing, hate and argue. Sunni and Shias sectarian clashes every time i read Pakistan news. I hope, without fighting for who is right or wrong why can't they take an example from Buddhists sects? Although Buddhism may be seen differently from the eyes of Muslims, at least using some common sense they can follow some good examples from others. We are human beings, we feel the pain of others because we have everything what others have.

Buddhism though has 3 main sects Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana, i never hear or see any violence, killings or fighting who is right or wrong. If they have anything to talk about, they talk, they have great dialogues and conferences. They are much peaceful. I may not take the side, but i see this through my observation.

This link made me write this post. I felt so sorry for those who died. May Allah has mercy on those people.\08\17\story_17-8-2012_pg1_2

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