Thursday, August 16, 2012

Violence In Rakhine State of Burma (Myanmar)

I am so surprised that, in Rakhine state of Myanmar (Burma), both Buddhists and Muslims are killed. But the media and news i found in Google; the topics are like 'Buddhists are killing Muslims in Burma'. If there is a good person who has good understanding and full of wisdom, using common sense would not choose those kinds of topic.
   If you see with common sense, i so surprised that Muslims community in the world can not stay peacefully with other religious faiths. Why is that? Historically, areas of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh were once majority Buddhists and Hindus. But at present where have Buddhists and Hindus gone? If you see with archaeological and historical evidences, those Buddhists and Buddhist monasteries or Buddhist worshiping sacred places were destroyed by Muslims. They occupied the lands by wars and destruction of other faiths. Muslims hate idle worshipers and can not stay together with non believers of Islam. In this case, how can Islam can be a religion of peace.
    At that time of past, Buddhists were helpless and they belief in destiny and karma. They have no self defense. They were killed and looted and destroyed all the their ancestors' wealth. Even now, innocents Buddhists can not claim anything and no one to tell their brutal stories as Muslims dominated by population with birth control.
   At present, population of Islam is too much in Pakistan and Bangladesh, even though almost fully Islamic country where majority of population are Muslims, yet killings, stealing, rapes and violent happen almost everyday. The most populated Islamic countries in Asia are Indonesia, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
   In every corner of the world, every news in BBC and CNN, news like bombing, killings, rapes,  and violence are done by Muslims. Can be still call they follow the religion of peace? If it is, many of it's followers would be much peaceful ones.

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